Welcome to the UNISON Enable Scotland blog

This blog has been created to keep UNISON members employed by Enable Scotland informed of any discussions and negotiations taking place with our employer. Sign-up as a follower and keep in touch with your UNION!

Thursday, 7 April 2011


The 2nd Scottish Community Service Group Conference will take place on:

Saturday 14th May
10.30 am
14 West Campbell Street,
G2 6RX.

This will be an important opportunity for members from the community, voluntary and housing association sectors to come together and discuss the current challenges they face and how UNISON can best respond. These sectors are experiencing massive challenges due to issues such as funding cuts; personalisation/self-directed support; housing benefit reforms; and Protection of Vulnerable Groups. There will be an opportunity to discuss all these issues and more on the day.

There will be a range of speakers and sessions to ensure members get a chance to learn, contribute and feel empowered to help represent community members when they return to the workplace.

Given the unprecedented situation in terms of cuts we have decided to run the Conference as open as possible to encourage as broad and as large an attendance as possible. Branches are asked to appoint as many delegates as possible, there is no limit; we would though ask you to identify a lead delegate. This is so that if there is a contested election for the Committee the lead delegate will be handed a ballot paper, voting will be weighted dependent on the number of Community members in the branch rather than numbers of delegates.

Contact you branch if you wish to attend.