Welcome to the UNISON Enable Scotland blog

This blog has been created to keep UNISON members employed by Enable Scotland informed of any discussions and negotiations taking place with our employer. Sign-up as a follower and keep in touch with your UNION!

Monday, 10 January 2011

The benefits of UNISON membership......UNISON secures £27,398,985 compensation for personal injuries

Assaults, car crashes, back injuries and slips at work are among the cases UNISON has won £27,398,985 worth of compensation for in 2010.

The UK's largest public sector union has handled 3,893 cases to help members receive justice for the pain and suffering caused by personal injuries.

UNISON's General Secretary, Dave Prentis, said:

"A lot of these injuries could and should have been prevented. These jobs are not dangerous - nursery workers, dental technicians and dinner ladies - but, because employers have been negligent, some UNISON members have lost their health, families, confidence and careers.

"Employers have a duty of care and where they fail, workers and their families deserve compensation for the pain and suffering caused by personal injuries.

"Last year UNISON secured £28million for workplace injuries but, one year on, and it's clear some employers have still not learnt their lesson and introduced safer working practices".

In Scotland, UNISON handled 224 cases and members received £1,602,762.20 compensation.

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