Welcome to the UNISON Enable Scotland blog

This blog has been created to keep UNISON members employed by Enable Scotland informed of any discussions and negotiations taking place with our employer. Sign-up as a follower and keep in touch with your UNION!

Tuesday, 4 May 2010


UNISON is the recognised union within Enable Scotland and as such negotiates your pay, terms and conditions and relevant policies and procedures.

UNISON seeks to ensure a fair deal for you at work. No one works in the voluntary sector for high rewards, you do it because you care about the people Enable Scotland supports and empowers. Yet we all face increased financial pressures and need to feel valued and supported at work. UNISON wants to be your friend at work, there to give a hand when you need it as an individual and always working for you as part of the collective.
UNISON is constantly representing members at work who find themselves involved in grievance, disciplinary or other personal cases. These matters are always difficult for all concerned and can be very stressful; having the support of an independent, trained and well resourced union is invaluable in these situations. A bit like insurance, don’t wait until you need us to find out you don’t qualify for help as you are not a member, join today!
Times are tough in the voluntary sector as organisations like Enable Scotland have their funding squeezed more and more by the Councils who contract with them. Evidence of this is clear from the forthcoming changes to the sick pay scheme, which UNISON members were consulted on. That is why UNISON is pressurising the government to introduce a fair funding regime for charities like Scotland. The more members we have the stronger our voice is and the more impact we will have.